Bagnasco & Casati


We have been guitar buddies for over 20 years now.

Our venture started out of necessity: we were both college students and the money we had to spend couldn’t buy us enough guitar to suit our tastes. So we bought ourselves the only available books on lutherie, a few hand tools, two sets of cheap wood and then started our first acoustic guitar-build project. It took an entire year and a lot of research (there was no internet back then), questions, phone calls, reading, more reading, trial and error, more trial and more error, but we finally succeeded in building our first pair of guitars. The results were quite satisfactory and those guitars are still around today.

Over the years we’ve turned our guitar business around a few times, but we finally managed to settle in our comfort zone – which is building replicas of the great American acoustic guitars of the ‘Golden Era’, as well as offering world-class restoration and repair of valuable, vintage guitars to clients all over Europe.


Alessio Casati is the heart and soul of the workshop. His innate manual ability has been honed by years of wood working and manufacturing problem-solving. He’s most comfortable wearing the shop apron and using his chisels and hand planes. His sunbursts are among the best in the business. His precise, clean workmanship re-defines the way a new guitar can look and feel. Also an incurable scatterbrained, he’s definitely a sawdust guy, rather than a paper and pencil guy.

Andrea Bagnasco seems to have filled the spaces left empty by Alessio, lending his organizing and networking abilities to the company. He’s the driving force behind sales and marketing, products development, new initiatives, brilliant or absurd ideas. His function in the workshop is to smooth out peak loads and to inexorably and instantly catch any screw ups done by Alessio, big or small. Also, he happens to run a rather successful photography business, but that’s a whole different story. Still, you may want to have a look when you have a chance: